Friday, August 10, 2012

Ladies who lunch

Today I had lunch with a girlfriend. Since resigning from my job in May I have found myself lacking in motivation regarding all things domestic. Contrary to popular belief, being a domestic goddess is not all organic produce and Martha Stewart handcrafts. Some days I find it really hard to keep the momentum of daily routine going. My mantra at times seems to be "if it's not done today it can be done tomorrow". My resolve to 'live in the now and be always present" is short lived at times !

 The past few weeks we have started to have lunch on a Friday, at a different restaurant every time.We solve the problems of the world, have a laugh, share good food and have a wine (only one, sigh). It's great to have a reason to get 'dressed up', slap a bit of make up on and make sure the hair is clean. I was alerted to the fact It doesn't happen often enough now when upon seeing me freshly made up the first question was "are you working today mum ?"

I'll miss these lunches when we move out of the area, they are my little sanity saver at the end of the week.

Love you Trace !

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